✨️ “In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.” – Terry Pratchett
✨️ 「古代時期,貓被當作神明崇拜;牠們沒有忘記這一點。」——泰瑞·普萊契
Terry Pratchett, a renowned British author known for his works in fantasy literature, expressed this insight so perfectly, capturing the divine and mystical nature of cats with remarkable precision.
Historically, cats were indeed regarded as deities, with the most famous example coming from ancient Egypt. The Egyptians revered cats because they believed these creatures possessed mysterious powers and the ability to protect their homes. For instance, the goddess Bastet was a feline-headed deity in ancient Egypt; she was also the protector of home, love, fertility, and music. Bastet was often depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness or a domestic cat, or as an elegant cat itself.
In ancient Egypt, cats were considered guardians of the home because they could hunt down rats and other harmful creatures. Killing a cat was a grave offense, punishable by severe penalties, possibly even death.
Upon a cat’s death, the Egyptians held elaborate funerals and sometimes even mummified their cats, highlighting the profound reverence they held for these animals. The city of Bubastis, located in the Nile Delta, was even dedicated to the worship of Bastet. This city housed Bastet’s primary temple and attracted countless pilgrims and worshippers each year.
Ancient Egyptian art frequently featured cats, with these depictions appearing in murals, statues, and ornaments. Such representations reveal the special, sacred status that cats held in Egyptian culture. Today, cats are cherished as pets across many civilizations worldwide; and judging by their nature, it is clear that they have not forgotten their “divine and dignified” lineage. 😏