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by: Michaelson Williams, TSX

Building a cryptocurrency, in theory, is pretty simple these days. Anyone can jump on a crypto-creating platform, answer a few questions, plug in some numbers, and voilà — you have a new coin or token. However, creating a sustainable crypto project that truly makes a difference in the world is much more challenging. I’ve been working on the Goal Phoenix Crypto Infinity (GPCI) project for years now, and it has been the epitome of ebbs and flows. For years, I was a one-man army with passion, a dream, and the determination to see my crypto project through. Building a cryptocurrency and educating people about crypto, in general, seemed like a great way for me to make a huge positive impact in the world.

Realizing that it’s virtually impossible to build something great alone, I knew I had to build a team around the GPCI project. So, that’s what I did. I wanted to create a crypto project that could genuinely be a tool for freedom, so I chose to launch GPCI on a smaller blockchain that was on the rise. Building true privacy around crypto, while under the watchful eyes of overreaching government bodies, is like hiding from a bear while wearing salmon around your neck. Personally, I wouldn’t steal from another person because I wouldn’t want anyone to steal from me. But the government assumes everyone in crypto is setting people up for a scam. While there are definitely some nefarious people in the crypto world, there are also some really good people trying to change the world in a positive way through crypto privacy.

Let’s be honest — the government simply wants a monopoly on taking from the public. If anyone even hints at wanting to help the general public rise above the status quo, they’re all over you. My contention is that anyone in high governmental positions is likely corrupt. The truth is, you cannot climb the ladder of government and remain morally sound. The foundation of all government is to pressure its citizens into social and psychological dependency. Government derives its power from people who believe they are powerless without it. So, I always knew it would be tough to build my crypto project from the start — when I came up with the idea, Bitcoin or blockchain wasn’t even a thing.

Back in 2007, I had an idea called Cash4Goals. The concept was simple:  At the time, I didn’t have the resources to stand up to them. I had to wait for a solution to reveal itself, and that solution came a few years later in the form of Bitcoin and blockchain technology. Now, I didn’t fully understand blockchain or the Satoshi whitepaper at first — it just confused me more — but I knew it was about financial freedom, so I kept learning. My background in Information Technology helped shorten the learning curve.

So, what does this all mean?

You are going to fail in life — that’s an absolute fact. Sometimes you’ll fail big, sometimes small, but you will fail. How you handle failure determines whether you’re a failure or not. I’ve had some huge wins in my life, and I’m sure you have too. If you haven’t yet experienced big wins, keep pushing toward your goals, and you will. The point is this: if you focus on your wins and learn from your losses, anything you’ve achieved once in your life that has motivated you to do even better, you can achieve again. Stay the course, keep building, work on your success mindset, and ensure that the people who believe in you always know you are worth believing in. It’s okay to fail upward — but don’t fail inward. Never stop striving for your ultimate dreams.

By: Michaelson Williams, TSX
The MichaelsonEffect

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