Do you know that islam encourages optimism and a positive outlook in life?
In last years we watched and heard lot of courses, TV shows, articles and videos talking about positivity and its effect on our success and mental and physical health, as a result of the scientific progress that has occurred in the last years, But what is surprising is that Islam called for this fourteen centuries ago.
and in this article we will mention some sayings and narrations of Prophet Muhammad and his successors (Peace be upon them) about optimism :
《 Be optimistic and you will become successful》. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) Ghurar al-Hikam.
《 Happiness opens up the spirit and stimulates vitality》.Imam Ali (peace be upon him) Ghurar al-Hikam
《 Every expectation is coming, expect what you wish for 》 Imam Ali (peace be upon him).
The Prophet Muhammad (S) said: 《Expectation is a mercy for my community; without expectation no mother would nurse her child, nor would anyone plant a tree》. [Bihar al-Anwar, v. 77, p. 173, no. 8]
Imam Ali (a.s.) said: 《 Expectation is an amiable companion》. [Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 1042]
《Strive for what benefits you and rely on God, and do not give up》. prophet muhammad (a.s).
what I want to say is that spirituality has a huge impact on our lives., I mean GOD .
To believe in GOD and obey him will guide you in this hard life, because if you rely only on science to improve your life you will wait for years and centuries before some scientific discoveries happened.
GOD knows everything and He created this life so my advice to you is to cling to God and ask him for the guidance to live a happy life.
And to stop this miserable material life which will lead you to stress , inquiety, and depression.