by: Michaelson Williams, TSX | The MichaelsonEffect
I don’t know about you, but I believe that Bitcoin was one of the biggest—if not the biggest—inventions of the last 500 years. This digital currency phenomenon is changing people’s lives in both positive and negative ways. Some people are celebrating their wins, while others are mourning their losses. Right now, collectively, we are all feeling the effects of Bitcoin hitting its all-time high of over $100,000. These are exciting times indeed, whether you are a winner or a loser in the crypto investment game. No matter what your stance is, or what you believe in general about crypto investing, you are going to be forever changed by Bitcoin and the altcoins. You have no choice. Because digital money is now in the ether—meaning the collective consciousness—it’s never going away. Not unless human beings find something else to focus on that’s greater than crypto.
Money and the exchange of it have always been deeply ingrained in human psychology and experience. We love to trade things, and money gives us the freedom and ability to do just that—trade things. Crypto, particularly Bitcoin, has embedded itself into the collective human experience, meaning we asked for it. For some, in a negative way, and for others, in a positive way. But for sure, digital money is locked in our collective consciousness. So why not dive into the collective pool to get your share? Ah, that’s right—you missed the boat. At least, that’s what you may be thinking right now. “Damn, why didn’t I invest in Bitcoin when my friend told me to?” Well, I’m here to tell you—forget about that nonsense.
Cryptocurrency, like all other forms of trade, is simply based on an energy transfer, in my opinion. Trading is just the movement of energy from one person to another. This energy is always moving in and out of your point of view. I look at the digital money landscape like walking around a huge city, where every corner is a new transaction. Some corners you stand on are full of positive interactions, and sometimes, on the same corner, there are negative interactions. But there are always interactions, nonetheless. Right now, you may be standing on a corner in this enormous energy transfer city that hasn’t allowed you to make good decisions about crypto. But if you simply move to a different corner or another part of the city, that will change.
What is this gigantic city? Collective Consciousness. Since we are all part of this city’s energy, we all get to move to any location we choose.
Now, mind you, some of you are stuck in your homes in this huge energy transfer city—too afraid to go outside and interact with anyone. This means you’re trapped in your current mindset, not willing to venture outside your current way of thinking. Even though you’re part of the collective consciousness of the city, you’ve blocked the energy that could fill your life with abundance. This is akin to walking around the city like zombies, with no direction and little to no ability to transact when you stand on a particular corner. But don’t worry, it’s easy to snap yourself out of the zombie state and begin attracting abundance.
Why? Because the only thing that can truly stop you from receiving abundance from the collective pool of energy is you.
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