This list contains examples of toys that have either been banned or recalled in the USA due to safety concerns. The reasons for these bans or recalls range from potential injury or death caused by the toys themselves to the inclusion of harmful or toxic materials. Some of the toys on this list were banned or recalled due to the risk of children ingesting small parts or magnets, while others were banned due to the risk of strangulation or entrapment. This list serves as a reminder of the importance of choosing safe toys for children and the need for continued vigilance in ensuring that products marketed to children are safe for use.
DANGER: 10 Toys That Have Been BANNED In The USA Due To Safety Concerns
Banned in 1988 due to their potential to cause serious injury or death.
Lawn darts

Recalled in 2006 due to the risk of children ingesting small magnets, which could cause serious internal injuries.
Magnetix magnetic building sets

Recalled in 2000 due to the risk of eye and face injuries from the spinning dolls.
Sky Dancers flying dolls

Recalled in 2007 due to the risk of finger entrapment and burns.
Easy-Bake Oven

Recalled in 2007 due to the risk of children ingesting the beads, which contained a toxic chemical that could cause serious illness.
Aqua Dots

Banned in 2003 due to the risk of strangulation and entrapment.
Yo-yo water balls

Banned in 2014 due to the risk of children ingesting the small magnets, which could cause serious internal injuries.
Buckyballs magnetic desk toys

Banned in 2005 due to the risk of eye injuries and facial fractures from the high-velocity water balloons.
H20 Blasters Water Balloon Launchers

Banned in 1951 due to the inclusion of radioactive materials.
Atomic Energy Lab Kit

Recalled in 1997 due to the risk of children's hair getting caught in the dolls' mechanical jaws, leading to injuries.
Snacktime Cabbage Patch Kids
