From the unlimited studies of personalities, the emotional and mental makeup of a regular human, four distinct traits proved to traverse bounds, time, and space. As most people are aware, these traits are divided into two categories: extroverts and introverts. The extroverts comprise the Sanguine and Choleric personalities and the introverts comprise Melancholic and Phlegmatic traits. Personalities may be generic and not depend entirely on one category as a blend might be feasible or likely to occur. However, our focus is on the melancholic trait and how it is possible to impress them.
To begin with, melancholics are mostly those who lack presence, charisma, or aura and also have self-esteem (Sorry for my high language, but, I meant no offense.) These traits heavily affect them in friendship-making and ultimately, relationships. Although most melancholics lack charisma and other charming abilities, they are compensated for their high intellect and abilities to do other exhilarating stuff like reading minds and finding unique solutions to problems.
To impress them, you mostly have to understand them. Being gloomy all the time isn’t something they wish for; it might be situations are sparking controversies in facial expressions and interactions. Understanding them comes naturally over time, in scenarios like developing a long-term relationship with the specified person and deducing their inner thoughts as well as what they like to do or their interests. Anything whimsical, any minute detail could contribute to a greater gain.

A picture of a lonely melancholic distancing himself from society.
Moreover, melancholics prefer to be respected. These individuals are not a lesser class of humans. With equity and equality, they wish to be given the same treatment as others. They may be sensitive to criticism or harsh words. When an individual’s overly judgmental attitude takes precedence in their decisions involving melancholics, it further dampens their morale casting any hope of social involvement away.
Kind words don’t always work magic, however, it is crucial to approach them with subtlety and benevolence.
Furthermore, they prefer those they interact with to be attentive. Since most melancholics are attentive to detail and passionate listeners, they appreciate the effort others equally put into rendering the same services to them. These minute details become the game changer in long-term simultaneous benefits or advantages. For them to pay heed to your point of view, you must do the same in returning a favor.
For extensive elaboration and pictorial representations of the matter, I would love it if you leave comments of criticism or praise as well as reactions to this post.
To be continued in the next…
nice 🙂