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In the aftermath of the recent Morocco earthquake, our lives took a devastating turn. Allow me to share one of the most heart-wrenching stories from that fateful night.

As the clock struck 11:30, our home was filled with laughter and familial warmth. Little did we know, this would be our last night of joy for a long time. Dad, with a heavy heart, directed us to bed. My sister and I, still enveloped in laughter, prepared for sleep, unaware that our lives were about to be shattered.


At 4:28 AM, I awoke to the world violently convulsing around me. For a moment, I clung to the hope that it was just a nightmare. However, as the tremors persisted, the harsh reality set in, and terror overcame me. It was an earthquake, and the house was threatening to collapse upon us.

Amidst the chaos, my family huddled in a corner, sheltering ourselves from falling debris. Dad’s urgent shouts pierced through the pandemonium, urging us to escape before our haven crumbled around us.

Barefoot and disoriented, I raced alongside my sister, our little brother’s cries echoing in our ears. As we reached the exit, the building collapsed behind us, an ominous testament to the narrow escape we had just made.


In the aftermath, I found myself in darkness, gasping for dwindling oxygen. Tears streamed down my face as I replayed the events that had befallen us. A faint moan nearby drew my attention, leading me to Lana, my sister. Panic set in as I realized our brother was missing.

Lana spoke of our brother’s last moments, a painful tale of tears and silence. The reality of his demise hit me like a sledgehammer. Unable to bid him farewell, I wept over his lifeless form, promising him eternal companionship.

Amidst this somber scene, Lana’s voice broke through, pleading for survival. Tragedy struck again as I discovered an iron sword embedded in her back, blood staining her chest. Desperation gripped me, but I reassured her that help was on its way, clinging to a fragile thread of hope.

Lana, determined to live, asked for a story. With each interruption, she sought reassurance that survival was possible. However, her voice eventually faded, and her life slipped away, joining our brother in the embrace of eternity.

As oxygen dwindled, despair set in. Yet, a timely arrival from the Civil Defense spared us from sharing the same fate. Rescuers pulled me and my brothers from the rubble, with one of them noting, “This is the only girl alive – our neighbor, who lost her parents beneath the ruins.”

Oh, the profound sadness that envelops me as I recount this tale of sorrow. May mercy be upon all those who perished in the Morocco earthquake. Let us pray for the removal of all dangers, living in peace, and express gratitude for the solidarity shown in the face of tragedy. Thank you for bearing witness to our story.

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