I need to keep up with these articles on here but it never seems like I have enough time. Thanks for reminding me @greycfc! Since I am recovering from the dentist I thought no better time then now to get another one done and let you guys know a little more about me. This article has graphic images of me after a car accident. There is no blood or anything. Just of my face healing after the accident. (Just a warning for anyone with a weak stomach to those types of things.)
So to start it all off lets start with my real name. My name is Tony. I am in my late 30’s and I have no idea what I am doing in life. I am just going with the flow and trying to keep my nose clean if you get what I am saying. I was not always this chill and easy going. When I was young I was a party machine. If you said lets go get drunk and high I would say when, where, and who’s buying lol. Well that mindset got me into all sorts of trouble.
In this article I am going to go over the start of how my whole drug addiction got started. I have only been clean for 4 years. At the end of 2025 it will be 5 years that I have been fully clean from everything. I do not drink anymore or party for that matter. I am not going to lie I occasionally enjoy a good smoke of the sticky icky but that is done in the comfort of my home when the kids are asleep.
When it all began
It all started when I was 16. I would go to these after school church youth groups. I actually really enjoyed these but one night I decided to go to the group but instead of going in when my parents left I ran off and skateboarded with my friend around the neighborhood. Well when we were coming back something happened to me and my friend that would change out lives forever.
The car accident
Sorry for the picture but I wanted to make this as accurate as possible. If you get uncomfortable when looking at crazy pictures then you might want to skip this.
Now this was a pivotal point my life. The last thing I remember is that me and my friend were crossing the road to get back to the church and then everything went black. I woke up two weeks later in the ICU. I remember I woke up and spice girls was playing on the hospital tv in my room. I remember trying to get out of bed and could barely walk. I remember looking in the mirror and not seeing the same person I saw before I went to sleep. My face was busted up, my knees were busted up, and my hands were practically skinless.
From what my parents were told, I was hit by a SUV going around 40 mph! They said I was saved by my skateboard. Things were not the same after this accident. I had to learn how to walk again. One of my knees had some type of stick or something lodged into the knee area. The other one got messed up pretty bad from my body skidding across the ground. They told me if it wasn’t for my skateboard I would have died that day.
I also lost my front tooth and hit the front of my head pretty bad. As you can see in the picture. I had to walk around school without a front tooth in. At first I was so embarrassed and ashamed. Come to find out this was one of the best things that happened in my school social life. I know this sounds crazy but hear me out.
Everything has changed
After the accident people started treating me differently. Believe it or not I was a big nerd in school. I was constantly moving so each time I went to a new school I never knew what was going to happen. Well turns out this accident had just made me one of the most talked about kids in school. The kid who survived a deadly car crash.
You are probably wondering what happened to my friend. He ended up becoming my “best friend”. I put that in quotations because that friendship turned into a spiraling party duo who did not care who they hurt along the way. The article I write after this will go over what major life experience I had next. The next one is even more disturbing and involves almost losing a one of my entire thumbs. The story is pretty intense so that one might be rated R lol.
With popularity comes bad influences
As the news started to spread across the school I started to become everyones best friend. None of these people truly liked me for me though. They liked the idea of being beside a survivor of something truly life changing. After this I met my circle. I was accepted into the skater group at school. No matter what school you go to you will have groups of kids. The jocks, the skaters, the “nerds” (my true friends), and so on.
Well the skater took me in and started bringing me to skate parks. Letting me ride with them and hang out with them. This is where I first got introduced to X. Not the social platform but the drug. My friend told me to take this and chill so I had the bright idea to take it during one of my after school programs. Well let me just tell you it was one of the most interesting after school classes I have ever had. I could literally feel the silence in the room crawling over my skin. In a good way though if that makes sense.
Drugs are bad and in no way am I trying to promote the use. I am just sharing a big part of my life that changed everything for me. Who knows who or what I would have become if I would have just stuck with school and learning. It is a crazy world out there and a good amount of people do not have your best interest at heart. Pick your friends wisely. If one of your “friends” are trying to get you to try something you know is not good for you then you might want to start looking for a new friend. The world is a scary place and a good amount of people might seem like they are your friend but instead of alternative motives.
The beginning of the End
At the beginning my drug use was not that bad. I started experimenting with different things. I thought it was cool and people were showing me attention. I found my circle of friends. Or at least I thought I did. Things took a turn for the worst. After the year 2004 my parents did not take many pictures. This is the year things started to really go downhill for me.
Hatty’s Biography #2 coming soon! My whole adult life was not bad, There are stories of life, love, lessons, and time. I plan on sharing every bit of my life that I can remember and have pictures of.
My website – https://www.earnwithhatty.com/